Soul Alchemy- Series One: Clearing

Soul Alchemy- Series One: Clearing

Explore the depths of You, allowing your Light to mitigate old, outdated energies which effect every part of your reality; from past life traumas to the things which haunt you, both emotionally and literally. Through meditative journey work and a space of deep soul-level allowing, things can shift effortlessly into wisdom and light. There will be ego work, and deep dives into your own energy, after learning to allow, clear, and integrate Soul Aspects and clear their projections from your manifest reality.

Allowing you to be the Master Creator, a conscious creator in this lifetime, requires you to release the concept of being at the whim of outside energetic influences. It is about owning your energy. Everything is energy. Your energy. And it is here to serve you. This is the first realization in Conscious Creation. To own this concept, we will start by clearing our own energies, which directly influence our creation.
And then be able to make clear conscious choices from a new space, ones which set all of creation into motion to serve you, in a whole new way!

Live event from February 8th to March 23rd.
You may attend the live sessions, which are recorded and available afterwards, to stream or download to your device.
The recorded class will be just as powerful as the live class, so attend whenever you feel!
You will have access to the replays and downloads for 90 days.

This event will be available to purchase during and after the event as well, for anyone who wishes to participate at a later time, or catch up with the live event.

A prerequisite to Soul Alchemy is to tune into the Activations, Attunements, and Tools from the Lightworkers Academy Series. Particularly Episodes One and Two are powerful and transformative, which sets the stage for Soul Alchemy.

The Lightworkers Academy videos are included in your purchase of the Soul Alchemy Series.

From the Lightworker Academy series, you can expect:
• Clearing, transforming, and releasing energies which no longer serve you. “Energies” is a broad definition, as everything is energy. Referring to those energies which negatively affect or limit you from standing in your light.
• Activations and Attunements- From the Sacred Heart Activation of the Golden Fire to the MerKaBa Field, we work with the Soul to bring these remembrances and re-activate these fields and potentials.

Soul Alchemy- Series One: Clearing
  • Clearing- Session Two

    From chat today:

    I've had excellent results from this clearing work! I'm using light love and forgiveness that I'm using all thru my body as I scan and feel for any block..dark spots emotions
    .ect. It has been so powerful!!

    Interesting little experiment. My dog often whines for treaats. This ca...

  • Clearing Session Three

  • Clearing Session Four

  • Lightworkers Academy- Episode One

    We will cover the Sacred Space of the Heart, Sacred Heart Activation, MerKaBa Activation, and begin to discuss Light Anchors!

    Day one-

    Series overview
    Setting the space
    Sacred Space of the Heart
    Basic Trinity Breath and playing in the heart
    Sacred He...

  • Lightworkers Academy Episode Two

    Divine Earth Alchemy
    Discussion on Gaia
    You as Light and Creation

    Duality and the Chalice energetics
    3rd Density and Soul growth & learning
    Ying Yang / Duality
    Uncreating Creation

    Wisdom Field

  • Light Anchoring Supplement

    A short story on Light Anchoring, and how it has progressed over the years. Including ways to use this powerful tool of consciousness.

  • Light Anchoring 3.0

    Enter the Sacred Space of the Heart, meet with your Soul to receive the Sacred Heart Activation, the Golden Fire. From there, become the Column of Light in the space you imagine. Receive the attunement to the Golden Light for use in Light Anchoring, and simply and easily create powerful Light C...